Fanfiction by Molly
Monday, July 25, 2005
Hehe, so, I just wrote this *really* long review, and I thought I'd copy it here, just for posterity and because that's the kind of mood I'm in. It's from a large Stargate:SG1 series (when I say large, I mean it... well over 1 million words and counting, in various stories.. and very well written!). If you want to check out the series, you can do it here.

Meanwhile, this was the review I wrote. Kind of silly, and I don't think there are really any spoilers for the stories as a whole. If you have a really good memory, you might know something is coming in this particular story, but it's not even a major part of the story, so...

I am an evil, horrible reader.

How evil and horrible? I have been working my way through the Campers series (actually, I read one in the middle.. can't remember if I reviewed or not, and now I've started at the beginning) and I'm on Scion now and this is the first time I'm reviewing!

*slaps her own wrist* Bad, bad.

On the plus side, this means that you have done such a good job that I keep moving on to the next story before I remember to review. Believe me, that's a high compliment.

And another high compliment is that it has been hard to drag myself away from the computer to do other things. I just want to sit here and read this story. (On the other hand, this is less than ideal, since I really have a Qualifying Paper I'm supposed to be working on. D'oh!)

So, other than giving you those compliments and letting you know that I'm reading and really enjoying, I'm not sure what to say. I really want to get back to reading. The thing that finally made me realize that I should review was that I read a line in this and thought of something I wanted to say, and then realized I hadn't said ANYTHING so far. Oops.

The line was...

“It’s from Ja-“Shawn cut himself off, giving Jack a look that O’Neill couldn’t possibly interpret.

I was just thinking that it would be very helpful to know whether that was a long or a short 'a' that he started to say. Was he more likely to have been starting to say Jacob, or Jack, for example? ;-)

Hmm.. very interesting. I keep trying to figure out not only if he's from the future, but if he might also be from an alternate dimension. I don't really know all the canon of Stargate.. I've only watched maybe 15 episodes, and they were a random assortment. Lots of my knowledge of canon comes from reading various SG1 fanfics and picking up little pieces as I go. So I don't know if it's plausible that he could be from an alternate universe as well as the future. Hmm.

Hope you enjoyed this review. It got long on its own; it wasn't my intention, but it was fun.

Oh, and nice try with the "I'm not writing a sequel" thing in the first story. Famous last words. ;-) (On the other hand, I'm glad you did. Sometimes saying you *will* write a sequel can be the kiss of death, just as saying that you won't may actually cause it to happen.. the mysteries of being a writer. :-D )

*goes back to reading*

So yeah. That's my utterly random post for the day. Don't worry, Reparo is not in mothballs, and I'm working up the courage to reread Lies and hopefully get back into that. But as I said in the review, I'm supposed to be working on my Qualifying Paper.. not to mention these stories are dragging me away.. Ugh.
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